Ultimate Guide to Equipment
Gear adds power to your heroes. Not only increasing stats like intelligence or strength but also the gear upgrades gives you speed. Besides the armor – it will add dodge increase, HP and attack power to your hero. So while you wanna proceed in the game you need to upgrade your gear to get to the later stages of the game.
This guide will basically describe what gear there is in the game, where to get it and how to work with it.
There are different ways to describe your equipment stages and the equipment you need for the next level. Every Hero starts with level 1 equipped. You will have 6 item spots for every level that you need to equip before you can level up the equipment to the next level. Every item you need from 1 to level 2 will be a gear 2 item. Every item from level 2 up to 3 will be named gear 3 item. And so on. This is despite the level that the item itself has.
What kind of gear do we have?
We have the basic gear. This is the main gear up to level 11 equipped. So level I up to level VIII items contain nothing else but the main items.
These items are:
- Scroll
- Crystal
- Bracelet
- Diagram
- Spellbook
- Amulet
- Talisma
- Lens
- Chainlet
- Jug
- Spyglass
- Orb
- Glue
- Core
- Compass
- Plate
- Pouch
- Strap
- Ring
- Wand
- Blade
- Seal
When the gear needs higher levels it will consist of gear parts.
Here an example from strap 8:
When you Tab on Strap VIII you will see that it consists of multiple subitems.
In this case we have:
- 5x Strap – Part 8
- 2x Pouch VII
- 4x Glue VI
- 6x Lens IV
Selecting the strap part you will see it consists of 5 strap VIII pieces. Every part consists of 5 pieces. We need 5 parts, so we need to farm 25 pieces of strap VIII to get what we need.
We have the following terms in case of items:
- Item – Is complete or needs subcomponents to be crafted
- Item part – Subcomponents for an item will be crafted from item pieces
- Item pieces – Is needed to craft item parts
So we see in later stages of equipment you will need lower parts of equipment to craft a more powerful item. (Like in the example you need 4xGlue VI etc.)
Here we go and that’s why we need to farm our way through Arrat. (Btw. the most needed level VIII Item will be Core VIII)
Gear 11 is the most important gear level. After that you will have your Hero at max speed. Also you can park your hero at this gear and add only levels. Their power spike gets more important from there on and is faster than farm for gear 12.
The term gear means to have 6 items for a hero. Like in the following screenshot we have gear 3 completed and need to upgrade to get gear 4 opened.
After gear 11 you need level IX items. They also get the name legendary items. Here are new items introduced. Also there will be the old ones but the level IX consists of other components than simply the basic ones.
The new items here are:
- Scepter(Caster)
- Chalice(Heal)
- Shield(Tank)
- Daggers(Rouge)
- War Horn(Melee)
- Banner(Boss)
- Quiver(Ranged)
As well as the „Unique Equipment“. But these items are too much to list here. They are always on the bottom right – like here with Bliss who needs the Fire Phial IX.
You also see that legendary items have an orange border.
From that stage on you will need power stones to craft items. A lot of power stones.
Level X items – the one you need from gear level 12 to get to level 13 – will need scrolls and essence fragments.
Level XI items as well as level XII items will again need other item-parts which you can farm in the legendary campaign as well as scrolls and essence fragments.
Where to find what
All the basic gear you will find in the heroic and normal campaign mode, in the challenges, Tournament, Cradle Of Chaos and the market to farm.
As well as in the gear chests III-V and VI-VIII.
You can find the parts of legendary items in the legendary campaign mode. As well as some parts in the challenges. Also in Chests. Power Stones you will get in CradleOfChaos as well as in Raid-Chests and the Raid Season.
Scrolls and Essence fragments:
These items are not farmable in the campaign and are the rarest ones. Especially the scroll of diversity.
You only get them in Tournament stages, chests(Equip X chests), Cradle of Chaos and you can get them in the market via Difficult Raid Tokens.
How to Find Needed Items
You need to select the item you are searching for on a hero.
If it’s a single part or the pieces you have a “Find” button that shows you all the nodes where you can find it:
- Offers in the Market-Shops
- CoC
- Campaign nodes
- Tournament
- Hero Pass
- Etc
Also secondary items you need will be highlighted in the campaign nodes.
When you are on an item that needs crafting you need to step deeper in the sub components to find them. (See 1st example – Strap VIII – was selected. Tab on Lens IV and you will find the “Find” button)
Nevertheless there are already crafted items in the campaign. These you will not find that way. These are listed later.
How to Equip Proper
While you wanna make the most of the ressources you got you need to think of certain stages in the game and when to equip what to which hero. Therefore a basic knowledge will help.
First of all – for certain equipment stages you need a certain hero level:
- 100 for gear 14 items
- 95 for gear 13 items
- 90 for gear 12 items
- 80 for gear 11 items
Since the levels of your hero have impact on the equipment, and opens up the next spots you need to consider the following:
Equip every open space of an equipment stage. When you do that – do NOT upgrade the equipment until you want to go further with equiping that hero.
Do NOT hit the Upgrade Button
This is named “To park” a hero. This is parking by equipment. The better choice from level 12 equipment on. Before that you might wanna consider to park by level. With that you can take the upgrade and the bonuses that come with the upgrade.
Park by level looks like this:
You see that Xaart is parked on level 89. All spots closed. These open if we put him on level 90.
There are implications if you do so. Since you might wanna add levels to your hero – this will eventually open up the next spots that need to be equipped. But you might not want to have them opened. There is a little section – market manipulation – later on that explains it.
Also there might be reasons that you even do not want to equip the items either. Tournament manipulation is the reason here.
This might look like this:
Leaving the Arcane Stars aside you will have a relation of power between level, stars and equipment. The equipment has the greatest power spike.
Careful there is a trap – the 10 levels from 90 – 100 are a great power spike, but you also have 2 equipment stages in there. Together they are worth more than the levels. But you need to know for later stages of the game.
Make gear 12 items, equip them and park by equipment – level 100 will help you in all game modes.(Except maybe tournament).
Tournament Manipulation
The tournament will take your best 5 Heroes in consideration for ranking you with other players. To be able to have an advantage you might wanna have the lowest possible power to be ranked. Let the heroes like Cathbad in the previous picture. After the ranking you can then “Equip All”. With that power spike you might be able to get a good rank in the tournament.
Market Manipulation
You can manipulate the markets to your advantage. Since every market where you can buy equipment will always present you at least 1 item(number X parts of it) that you need.
Markets that you can manipulate:
With the Raid market the manipulation only applies to the normal Raid tokens.
In the silver market you can manipulate items from level I-VI on 2 spots. (Everything above that is a waste of a silver market spot). When you get to the legendary campaign, you will be able to use 4 legendary item spots in the silver market. The markets have different reset times. Silver market will reset 4 times a day.
Here is how you do it
First of all you should park the heroes you are not working on. With closed spots the heroes have no need of an item, since they are filled up.
If every hero is set this way, the market will always present you random items, since you need nothing.
When upgrading a hero’s equipment level you are in need of items. So the market will present you the needed ones. Scan the parts/subparts of the hero you opened up. When you see equipment, that is worth to farm – farm it before the next reset timer comes(if possible). When the market resets it will have some of the needed items 4 you to purchase. Here you need to know the items that are worth farming in the market and the ones that you need to farm in a campaign. (This tactic may vary depending of your game progress)
Items Good to Farm in Silver Market
- Lens IV
- Lens V
- Lens VI
- Spellbook III
These 3 are your least priority to farm in campaign. Try to have them always in the silver market.
Next valid ones:
- Glue IV
- Glue VI
- Scroll III
- Scroll VI
- Spellbook VI
- Lens III
- Pouch III
- Orb I – (But careful is need as subitems in various Items that can be farmed crafted)
Depending on your patience you might wanna farm them or just buy them in the market.
The token markets will have the items for level VII and VIII. There you have to buy the Diagram VII and VIII, if you need – since they are only in the market and not in campaign!
Also valid since you need a lot of them:
- Ring VIII
- Core VIII
- Amulet VIII
Sometimes also Orb VII but there are good farming spots for that. Careful where you buy the item, some of them are in a better token-parts ratio in a specific shop. Amulet VIII for instance is in ToH-Market with 14 item-parts. In other markets it has 5 parts.
Legendary Silver Market
You should always have all 4 spots open with farmable equipment if you are working on gear 12 and 13 items. You should never buy the item parts you get in the challenge(mentioned before).
Also the „Unique Equipment“ is a wasted spot. You will get a lot of them eventually. At the beginning it’s worth buying them, but in the later stages try to keep the market clean of them.
Always buy every other item there. You will need all of them for sure. (Except maybe Blade IX – This is only needed for dwarves, Update: lately also for Crimson Order).
Banner you cannot farm in campaign and need to buy here if you dont wanna rely on chests. At the beginning of gear 12 item farming try always to have 1 spot with a banner. You need to keep them coming.
Farming Tactics
At the beginning try to farm all the items you need except the ones you wanna have in the market.
Starting with gear 6 you might get some shortcomings in items like plate VI.
If you know that, you might wanna give it a thought to farm those equipment in advance. When you use the park by level you have the possibility to take a sneak peak on the next equipment.
If you select a closed item you see which item will be the next needed one. Up to level VIII items this is helpful. With level IX items it’s getting less interesting, since the items for a fraction are the same on the left hand side. Right hand side varies but will be quick to get to a proper state.
Use the market to save energy on certain farming items. The better your progress will be.
There are farming events like the „Legendary Treasure“ and „Horn of plenty“ where you can spend your saved up energy (from monthly pass for example) on the items you need the most.
Before coming to the legendary campaign you can farm on the items that are the expensive ones or the ones that you need the most. When you start with legendary items it is a must that you mainly farm power stones. Everything else will come via chests or via the market. But you will need a lot of power stones. Level IX items are not the main power stone eater, the level X will eat them up quite quickly. Power stones as well as the Order/Chaos/Nature/Shadow-Stones will restrict your progress rather quickly. Later on the power stones level XI are quite more of a progress stopper. But you may wanna focus on level IX ones up to a certain state since you need some teams ready for raids, tournament and so on.
With all this said the main thing that can make the best progress is your mind and interpretation of the current item state. Farm what you need to progress, but do not overdo it. Sometimes you can wait a day or two for the market to provide the missing parts. Then you might spend your energy in pre-farming the stuff that you will need 4 sure and do not get via market. Find your middle way.
Items you wanna farm for sure in the campaign are already crafted items.
There are some of them in the Act 7 light campaign as well as in the Act 7 dark campaign: (List is not complete, but the important ones are listed)
Rare Items
(I list everything but chests)
First of all there are items that you will not get via market. Also some you only get via market. These are considered partially rare, since you need to get it from a specific source. But they are properly farmable.
Not in the market:
- Plate VI
- Power Stones IX and XI
- Level XI parts (silver dragon etc.)
- Level XIV parts.
Not in Campaign:
- Banner
- Diagramm VII and VIII.
- Lens VII
- Wand VIII
The real rare items are the ones that you only get in tournaments and CoC since they are needed a lot and you only get them once a week. As well as in the „Difficult Raid Token“ market. This market you cannot manipulate. It’s random. Also you need to decide here between them and chaos prisms.
These are the Scrolls. Especially the scroll of diversity. As well as the Essence fragments. Have a lot of fun framing your way through Arrat and fight your way to the top of the leaderboards.
Thanks for reading the guide, I hope it was helpful to you!
More Guides:
- Age of Magic – Ultimate Guide to Unique Hero Events
- Age of Magic – Magic Pass / Hero Pass Guide
- Age of Magic – Complete Guide to Tomb of Horrors
- Age of Magic – Cradle of Chaos (CoC) Guide
- Age of Magic – Guide to Clan and Clan Quests