A player of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has discovered that the Domination game mode on the brand-new Himmelmatt Expo may be having an issue.Now available across all platforms, Season 2 Reloaded for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 has brought some recognizable improvements to the games.
Activision has updated the Modern Warfare 2 game modes, and Himmelmatt Expo is an all-new map for the primary 6v6 playlist. Gamers can now access a Himmelmatt Expo-only playlist in the game if they want to play just on this brand-new Modern Warfare 2 map. Recently, one Call of Duty player brought up an issue with Domination’s functionality on the Himmelmatt Expo map.
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Domination Mode’s new map Himmelmatt Expo seems to have a problem in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
drdewd, a Reddit member, posted a picture of Himmelmatt Expo’s capture points while competing in Modern Warfare 2’s Domination game mode. The proximity of points A and B in the image, along with the position of C in the opposite corner, certainly leads to unfair spawns that favor the team that starts close to A.
When playing Domination, B is usually located dead-center of the map, making it the location most contested for. Rather than being at the other end of the map from C in this instance, B could be more suited to be situated where the player is located.
According to one player, teams spawn in B rather than C, making C the most preferred spot on the map. But, both teams will spawn adjacent to one another and point C will be too far from the others. This might not completely address the issue in Modern Warfare 2.
The remainder of the comments are loaded with criticisms of Modern Warfare 2’s spawn locations in general. Some players feel Himmelmatt Expo is too large for the core playlist. A discussion about Himmelmatt Expo’s viability as a 6v6 map also took place.
In case you missed it!